Google Diversity

MWC 2022 brought the debut of a lot of new tech, and TCL arrived at the event with an updated Android portfolio of tablets, foldable concepts, and the rest of the TCL 30 series. Hit the jump for all that and more in the latest 9to5Toys Lunch Break. This year at MWC, Oppo is showcasing some brand-new charging tech that allows for fully charging one of its devices to 100% in just nine minutes. This new leap in tech has us wondering if the reward is worth the effort.

Google announced they would be encrypting search queries, for privacy reasons. Unfortunately, this disrupted organic keyword referral data, returning “” for some organic traffic. Google rolled out another post-“flux” Panda update, which appeared to be relatively minor. This came just 3 days after the 1-year anniversary of Panda, an unprecedented lifespan for a named update.

SEOs reported a major update that seemed to strongly favor big brands. Matt Cutts called Vince a “minor change”, but others felt it had profound, long-term implications. This time, real-time search was for real- Twitter feeds, Google News, newly indexed content, and a number of other sources were integrated into a real-time feed on some SERPs.

After a summer hiatus, the June and July Search Quality Highlights were rolled out in one mega-post. Major updates included Panda data and algorithm refreshes, an improved rank-ordering function (?), a ranking boost for “trusted sources”, and changes to site clustering. Google rolled out another Panda refresh, which appears to have been data-only. Ranking flux was moderate but not on par with a large-scale algorithm update.

In a bid to be more transparent, Matt Cutts released a post with 10 recent algorithm updates. It’s not clear what the timeline was, and most were small updates, but it did signal a shift in how Google communicates algorithm changes. Overlapping the EMD update, a fairly major Panda update (algo + data) rolled out, officially affecting 2.4% of queries. As the 3.X series was getting odd, industry sources opted to start naming Panda updates in order .

Google Cloud – Service for businesses to store data and run applications in the cloud, and backup and disaster recovery. Google Alerts – Create alert text messages sent to an e-mail address each day or as it happens of web searches, news searches, etc. Take control of your codebase with automated testing, developer tooling, and everything else you need to build production-quality apps. Our ambition is to maximize the reuse of finite resources across our operations, products, and supply chains and enable others to do the same.

MozCast and other tools tracked a massive, multi-day spike that kicked off around May 17th. This preceded a sustained period of high algorithmic flux that may not have settled down for months. Rankings showed a spike in volatility around February 20th, which quickly settled down, sometimes signalling a targeted algorithm update.

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Google confirmed that the BERT natural language processing algorithm was rolling out internationally, in 70 languages. This announcement came after speculation from the SEO community, and the exact timing of the roll-out is unclear. This had significant implications for rank-tracking and organic CTR. After multiple delays, Google started rolling out the Page Experience Update on June 25th, announcing that the rollout would continue through August 2021. This update included Core Web Vitals and impacted both organic results and News results .

Google Video – Search for online videos hosted by Google, and transcript text of videos and TV shows. Google Trends – List of the 100 most active search queries and comparison of what people are searching for on Google. Google My Maps – Feature in Google Maps that allows its users to create custom maps for personal use or share with others. Google Forms – A feature of Google Docs that allows users to create a form that collects information for personal or business use.

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